A generous donation from Math for America has enabled AIM to offer seed grants of up to $2,000 for new Math Teachers’ Circles. These MTCs must have either sent a team to a “How to Run a Math Teachers’ Circle” workshop in Summer 2013, or otherwise explain why they should be considered a new MTC. MTCs are encouraged to be creative when considering how to spend their funds to best support the future plans of their MTC. Preference will be given to MTCs that are planning to hold a workshop for teachers in Summer 2014.
To apply for a seed grant, please send an email with the following information to circles@aimath.org:
*The name, location, and intended participants of your MTC
*A budget and a budget justification describing how the seed grant funds will be used, focusing on how these funds will help your MTC get started. Please note that grant funds may NOT be used to cover overhead or administrative costs.
*A description of any activities and funding received to date
*Future plans, e.g., any plans for other funding applications, recruitment meetings, a Summer 2014 workshop for teachers, 2014-2015 academic-year meetings, etc.
Grant recipients are expected to provide a report of their activities by late fall of 2014. This report should include topics, session leaders, and the number of participants in activities funded by the grant, as well as a list of other grants applied for/received and a summary of other completed and planned activities of the MTC.
Preference will be given to applications received by Friday, January 31, 2014.
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